Wednesday, September 9, 2015


7th CPC – STEP 1
The Prime Minister of India gave consent to the formation of 7th CPC (25-09-2013)

Finance Minister P. Chidambaram announced that the Prime Minister has formally given his consent to the formation of the 7th CPC. Announcement was also made that it would be implemented on 01.01.2016.

Usually, not only employees, news agencies also would start guessing when the announcement would be declared. But this time, there were no such speculations. It has become clear that the Government’s decision and the date of announcement of 7th CPC are being kept secret.

The sudden announcement had caught everybody by surprise. There is no doubt about the fact that it was a pleasant surprise to all Central Govt Employees...!

7th CPC – STEP 2
Prime Minister of India gave his consent to the Composition of 7th CPC (04.02.2014)
On 04-02-2014, Finance Minister P Chidambaram announced that the Prime Minister has given his approval to the composition of the 7th CPC. With the formation of a four member committee, led by Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur, the 7th CPC moved to the next stage.

With the Confederation announcing a strike on the 10th and 11th of this month, and with all the major Federations of Central Govt Employees and also Railways in the country declaring their intention to protest to central government, the move is being viewed by many as Government’s attempt to pacify. 

7th CPC – STEP 3
Cabinet gives its approval to the 7th CPC Terms of Reference (28.02.2014)
On 28.02.2014, the Central cabinet clearly explained and gave its approval to the Terms of Reference of 7th Central Pay Commission.

One of the salient features was that the Commission has to present its recommendations to the Government within 18 months, and, if required, also submit an Interim Report.

There was no word about the much-anticipated Interim Relief and DA Merger. 

7th CPC - Step 4
Finance Ministry created a webpage for 7th CPC (28.02.2014)
A webpage has been created by the Ministry of Finance for 7th Central Pay Commission. 

In order to publishing orders and announcements of 7th CPC, the Finance Ministry has launched a new webpage in their official portal under the category of 'Employees Corner'. 

Visitors are requested to scroll down the website home page of 'Ministry of Finance' and find at the bottom of right side corner.

At present they have published only one Government Gazette that 'Resolution of Terms of Reference' of 7th Central Pay Commission, which was published on 28th February 2014.

7th CPC - Step 5
7th CPC requires Central Staff on Deputation Basis (27.03.2014)
Government of India has notified constitution of 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) vide Gazette notification No.1/1/2013-E.III(A) dated 28th February, 2014. 

You may also be kindly aware that Seventh CPC is mandated to submit its report to the Government within 18 months of its constitution. Further the Commission has been mandated to appoint such Advisors, Institutional Consultants and Experts as deemed necessary for any particular purpose.
7th CPC - Step 6
7th Pay Commission Questionnaire (29.04.2014)

Ratio of Minimum & Maximum Salary, Grade Pay Suggestion, Increment Date, Determination of HRA and NPS...
The Commission seeks reply from the stakeholders. The list of questions is furnished and the reply is expected before 10th May 2014.

As you may be aware the Seventh Central Pay Commissions has been constituted by the Government on 28 February 2014 with a view to go into various issues of emoluments’ structure, retirement benefits and other service conditions of Central Government employees and to make recommendations on the changes required.

7th CPC - Step 7
7th CPC Questionnaire to Seek Views from all Stakeholders (07.05.2014)
The Seventh Central Pay Commission has been constituted by the Government on 28 February 2014 to examine various issues relating to emoluments’ structure, retirement benefits and other service conditions of Central Government employees and to make recommendations on the changes required.

For facilitating the above task as mandated by the Commission’s terms of reference a questionnaire has been designed to seek the considered views of all stakeholders. The questionnaire seeks responses on 42 queries grouped under 15 topics. The replies may please be framed in a concise manner, and for each query the length may be limited to the ceiling indicated against the query.

Members of the general public are invited to send their replies online. Organizations/individuals may indicate their names, mailing address, telephone and email as required in the next page, following which they would be directed to the questionnaire.

7th CPC - Step 8
National Council JCM Staff Side published proposed pay structure for 7th Pay Commission under consideration on 24th June 2014.

7th CPC - Step 9
7 CPC met all major federations including NC JCM Staff Side. The complete details of the meeting held as on date.

7th CPC - Step 10
7 CPC met the delegation of NC JCM Staff Side on 9.6.2015. The complete details of the meeting published by NC JCM

                                                7th CPC - Step 11

7th CPC Report is likely to be finalised by September 28,  2015 – NC JCM Staff Side

"NC JCM Staff Side Secretary said that it was assumed that the report of the VII CPC, as was promised for 28th August this year, may be delayed by one month.

                                                                  7th CPC - Step 12

4 Months Extension to 7th pay commission – Employees Disappointed

With the 18 months time given to the 7th Pay Commission to submit its report coming to an end in August, the Government has given an extension of another four months. The government says that the extension was given because the commission had asked for it. Many are not ready to believe that the 7th Pay Commission, which was almost ready to submit its report, had suddenly requested for an extension. They wonder what the necessity was for this extra time.

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