(An All India Industrial Unit of BMS)
T-21, Atul Grove Road , New Delhi-110 001
BPEF/ 7th CPC/examination / recommendation/2015 Dated: 7-12-2015
The Secretary
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001
Sub: Process to examine the recommendations made in the report of the 7th C.P.C.-
Meeting with Departmental J.C.M. on 8-12-2015 at 11-00 A.M. -Regarding.
Respected Madam,
Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation has studied the report containing the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission and observed that the spirit and promises made by Chairman Shri A.K. Mathur are not reflected in the recommendations. Certain omissions and suspicion about the service conditions of serving employees are leading to the unrest and anguish among the Central Government employees in general and Postal employees in particular. The views of BPEF with regard to all above are reproduced below for merit based and sympathetic consideration for genuine redressal of the grievances to boost up the morale and restore the confidence and stamina so that they can serve the Nation in a better way for achieving the goal of the fastest growing economy and youngest Nation of the world.
The 7th C.P.C. has made following promises before recommending the new pay structure and providing replacement benefits.
Para 1.31 of 7th C.P.C. -The Sole consideration with the commission was to ensure that employees do not suffer economic hardship so that they can deliver and render the best possible service to the country and make the governance vibrant and effective.
1.30 . The recent trend of hounding civil servants as criminals for the failure of bona fide decisions is not a happy one. This will discourage the bureaucracy to take bold decisions in fear of being hounded if such a decision misfires. Any misadventure should not be looked upon with suspicion unless it has definite criminal intent to benefit either himself or someone else. If this trend is not checked it will lead to disastrous consequences.
1.29 As we have mentioned above, government service is not a contract. It is a status . The employees expect a fair treatment from the government . The states should play role model for the services. In this connection, it will be useful to quote the observations in the case of Bhupendra Nath Hazarika and another vs. State of Assam and others (reported in 2013 (2) Sec. 5(16) wherein the Apex Court has observed as follows.”……It should always be borne in mind that legitimate aspirations of the employees are not guillotined and a situation is not created where hope end in despair. Hope for everyone is gloriously precious and that a model employer should not convert it to be deceitful and treacherous by playing a game of chess with their seniority. A sense of calm sensibility and concerned sincerity should be reflected in every step. An atmosphere of trust has to prevail and when the employees are absolutely sure that their trust shall not be betrayed and they shall be treated with dignified fairness then only the concept of good governance can be concretized. We say no more.”
1.18 While finalizing the levels of salaries , allowances and other perquisites of compensation structure, we have tried to take a holistic approach.
1.19 The new pay structure has been laid out by and large broadly as an open ended, layered matrix, for civilians as well as for the armed forces personnel. It has been kept in view that a person should not stagnate but should have fair opportunity to progress by dint of merit and secure better emoluments so that frustration does not set in. The Modified Assured Career Progression (MACP) scheme has been further modified. It is expected that the present formulation will address the widespread dissatisfaction prevailing in the earlier system, in which the gain or progression through the MACP was considered inadequate. The remuneration package is such that employees would feel that they are valued and they are fairly paid and their remuneration is not less than a person who is similarly situated in another organization.
1. Deficiency in PAY MATRIX
Although the intention of promises Para 5.1.1 in 7th CP.C. is simplification and rationalization . The previous CPCs have rationalized Pay structure by reducing pay scale therefore, vide para 4.1.217th C.P.C. refused to reduce them as sufficient de-layering has been done previously. The 7th C.P.C. has taken up the entry pay devised by 6th CPC as the basis of rationalization and devised a index of renationalization for PB-I it is 2.57, for PB-2 is 2.62 , for PB-3 it is 2.67.
It has been observed by 7th CPC that the entry pay of 6th C.P.C. were disproportionate. Therefore, the BPEF concludes that how a disproportionate entry pay, after going through rationalization Index.
1. Will produce equidistant levels as promised while devising pay matrix.
2. Will produce a judicious and caring horizontal matrix the Qualification and skill set required as well as increasing roles and responsibilities each step.
3. Will produce Proportionate increase in quantum of pay a promised in para 5.1.19, on promotions from Gr. C post at 2800 G.P. to gr. ‘B’ post at 4200 and promotion from Gr. ‘B’ post to Gr. A from G.P. 5400 in P.B. -2. G.P. 5400 in PB-3.
4. Will produce Levels, as status determine as mentioned in 5.1.18,
5. Will Satisfy holistic approach of pay commission towards salaries allowances and other perquisilies of compensation structure at each level.
In view of all above, the BPEF is proposing following modification in devising New pay matrix
(a) Index of rationalization may be 15% enhancement in entry pay of immediate level for all levels up to PB-3 instead of retaining 7th CPC idea of having different index for different pay Bands.
(b) removing grade pay of 1800 and merging the pay as well as posts with grade pay of 1900. Similarly the post lying in grade pay of 1900 may be merged with 2000 , so that persons of High School qualification can be placed at equal levels . By this way minimum entry pay of 21000 in the New level can be formed and the minimum wage demand of 24,700 can be attained at 5th stage in new level. .This amount of min. wage will be in tune with CSO data of net national per capita income of 2014-15 i.e. 6174 p.m. when multiplied by 4 produces 24,700.
(c ) The modification will also place fitment benefit equivalent benefit to 5th CPC i.e. basic pay + 125% DA + 33% fitment benefit . The common multiplier therefore will rise to 3 instead of 2.57.
(d) The compression ratio will become 1:3 between newly recruited MTS and newly recruited IPoS. (Gr. A).
(e) The modification will bring every level equidistance by 15% of previous levels as in (a)
(f) The ratio between minimum & maximum will come to lie in ratio 1:9 i.e. 24,700 : 2,25,000
(g) It is also that the modification will bring very meager financial implication over the Government.
(A) Percentage increase in direct entry pay at each level recommended by 7th C.P.C. grade pay wise
1800 ----1900(15% ), 1900—2000(9%) , 2000-2400 (17%), 2400—2800(12%) , 2800---4200(21%) , 4200---4600 (26%) 4600---4800(6%) 5400 PB-II------5400 PB-III (5%)
(B) Percentage increase in direct entry pay at each level proposed by BPEF . grade pay wise
1800 ----1900(15% ), 1900—2000(15%) , 2000-2400 (15%), 2400—2800(15%) , 2800---4200(15%) , 4200---4600 (15%) 4600---4800(15%) 5400 PB-II------5400 PB-III (15%)
( C) Percentage increase in pay on moving from Group ‘C to B, Gr. B to Gr. A as recommended by 7th C.P.C.
Group ‘C’ at 2800 and Gr. ‘B’ at 4200 -------increase of 9%
Gr. ‘B’ at 5400 PB-II and Gr. A at 5400 PB-III------increase of 6% only
(D)Percentage increase in pay on moving from Group ‘C to B, Gr. B to Gr. A as proposed by BPEF . .
Group ‘C’ at 2800 and Gr. ‘B’ at 4200 -------increase of 15%
Gr. ‘B’ at 5400 PB-II and Gr. A at 5400 PB-III------increase of 15%
(A Graphical notation is also annexed for making our stand clearer.)
2. MINIMUM WAGE:- Para 4.2.3 (i) of 7th CP.C quotes . – Need based minimum wage for a single worker should take care all needs of worker family. The normative family consists of Husband and wife and two children below 14 years, thus, comprising 3 consumption unit. The same when calculated came out to Rs.18000.
1st C.P.C. – Test formulated by Insulation had only to be liberally interpreted to satisfy condition of present day and to be qualified by condition that “in no case should a employees pay be less than living wage i.e. minimum wage.
2nd C.P.C. – Minimum wage or salary should not be delivered mearly on economic consideration but should qualify also a social test both because of its intrinsic validity ad because of its bearing on efficiency. The fitment benefit at that time was provided 14.2 .
3rd CP.C. – has specifically examined the demands of the employees for a need based minimum wage based on Recommendation of 15 ILC. When it compared minimum wage evolved with per capita National Income, it found that minimum wage is much less than per Capita income . the fitment benefit was made 20%.
4th C.P.C. – The minimum remuneration could also be considered in relation to the increase is per captain National income over the years - the fitment benefit was provided 27%.
5th C.P.C. -It evolved constant relation Income Criterion which calculated minimum wage as 2440 which later on modified by Govt. as 2550. – the fitment benefit provided as 31 %.
6th C.P.C.- It calculated need based minimum wage as per akroyed formula and evolved minimum wage as 7000. The fitment benefit was provided 50%.
Thus, we can see that previous CPCs considered akroyed formula for calculating minimum wage, but with made it sole criteria and made at final stage other considerations were also important. The concept of consumption unit has always been under controversy. The 3rd CPC has observed that newly recruited employees at age of 20 years have no responsibility of wife and children. He can have responsibility of mother and father but after 5 years he may have responsibility wife and children . Therefore , the minimum wage should be equivalent to 5th stage of minimum pay scale. We agree with this concept and the akroyed formula should be applied with 4 consumption unit and it should be compared with 5th cell of the minimum scale.
The BPEF has devised a modified pay matrix starting from 21000 and the 5th cell in the vertical matrix comes out to be 24,700. This figure tallies with the CSO ( Central Statistical organization ) data of 2014-15 regarding net national per capita income 6174 per month. This when multiplied by 4 gives figure of 24,700. .
3. INCREMENT AT THE TIME OF PROMOTION : 5.1.15 - The provisions of 7th CPC as mentioned in 5.1..16 specifically informs that the concerns of new entrant has only been taken in New Pay Matrix and the economic benefits of serving employees, getting replacement benefits, has not been taken care sufficiently. It is pertinent to quote para 5.1.16- The Commission believes that any new entrant to a service would wish to be also to make a reasonable and informed assessment of how his /her career path would traverse and how emoluments will progress alongside. The new pay structure has been desired in the from of a pay matrix to provide complete transparency regarding pay progression.
Therefore , the BPEF intends to remind you that the employees getting replacement benefit in new pay Matrix on promotion were getting 3% benefit along with difference of grade pay . But the 7th CPC while dispensing with grade pay & Pay Band system has only recommended 3% benefit and dispensed with the grade pay difference benefit. It is highlighted that even retiree prior to 1-1-2016, have been recommended to get the three additional increment benefit while arriving pension in 7th C.P.C.
Therefore, the BPEF concludes that the concern of new entrant as well pensioners prior to 1-1-2006 were taken into consideration senserly but the concerns of serving employees, getting replacement benefit, about promotional benefits has not been taken sufficiently. we suggest that:-
(i) On each promotion, one extra increment in that promotional level may be provided. OR
(ii) The pay in new pay matrix may be fixed by providing one extra increment in the concerned level.
4. ANNUAL INCREMENT RATE : The Annual increment Rate provided by previous C.P.C. were calculated when pay scale system was prevalent and age for full pension superannuation was 33 years. In worst cases an employees with 3% increment Rate can reach to maximum from minimum in 33 years. The 6th CPC has also endorsed the concept of 3% annual increment in pay band system but has suggested full pension in 20 years . The Govt. has accepted full pension in 20 years and revised its pension rules accordingly.
Now it was turn of 7th CPC to take into account above facts and would have devised annual increment of 5% considering that the employee in new pay matrix will reach in 20 Years for full pension benefit . Unfortunately this has not been done.
Therefore, in order to have coordination between previous and present criterion for pension purposes the 5% annual increment may be considered to devises new pay Matrix.
5. Date of Annual Increment:- With present formula that each employee complelting 6 months in a year will get increment, the concept of 1st July of year is not adequate. Two dates i.e. 1st January or 1st July should be made for assessing and providing annual increment.
6. MINIMUM – MAXIMUM RATIO : 24,700 as minimum salary when made ratio with 2, 25, 000 as maximum, it comes out to 1:9.
7. With holding of Annual increment of Non performer after 20 years – increase in MACPS benchmark and introducing efficiency Bar. Vide para 5.1.46 “ there is a vide spread perception that increment as well as upward movement in the hierarchy happens as a matter of course . Also , grant of MACP is taken for granted . “
These lines are totally against the promises of Shri A.K Mathur Chairman 7th CPC quoting apex court judgement in para 1.29 “ it should always born in mind that legitimate aspirations of an employee are not gullitoned and a situation is not created where hopes ends in despair. Hope for everyone is gloriously precious and that a model employer should not convert it to be deceitful and treacherous by playing a game of chess with their seniority also vide para 1.30 it quotes that the employee should not be thought as criminal and unnecessary suspicion should not be made about him.
On availability of such sprit and promises, the bench mark “ Very good” should not be taken in a way that “average” and good remark are criminal activities and without any disciplinary proceeding his their annual increment can be withheld. Similarly these remarks cannot declare employee a non performer. The BPEF request that the para 5.1.45 pertaining to MACPS & para 5.1.46 pertaining to efficiency Bar may not be considered for implementations. .
8. MACPS : (1) The 7th CPC has compiled the key demands received by it and quoted regarding MACPS demand in 5.1.12 (e) that the MACPS providing benefits in grade pay hierarchy, was giving in adequate benefit after long gap of 10, 20 & 30 Years and demanded that, it should be provided in promotional hierarchy instead of grade pay hierarchy. Similarly, the demand for increase in the frequency of administering MACP has also come for considers.
In view of above, the 7th C.P.C. restricted the frequency of MACP to 10, 20 & 30 years but in process to provide adequate MACPS benefits , it recommended , that it will be provided in immediate next level in the hierarchy.
The BPEF is trying to analys the words immediate next level in the hierarchy “ and concludes that it should simply mean the immediate next level in the hierarchy existing in the department. After going through the recommendation it has been observed that the word hierarchy was used for hierarchy existing in the department or a cadre. In case the meaning then it is not it can be assumed that 7th CPC has not done there any modification in the MACPS scheme and it only tried by deceitful and treacherous method to take away the benefit as promised.
Therefore, the BPEF strongly demand that the word immediate next level in the hierarchy may be made clearer so that it may mean immediate next level in the cadre / promotional hierarchy.
(2) Although there is no provision of stepping up of pay of senior due to MACPS benefit provided to in the communication issued form the DOP&T But the various Court judgement have observed that irrespective of benefits provided to any junior by any scheme, the Senior should not draw lesser pay than junior . In OA No. 2124 at Principle Bench Delhi and OA 440 of CAT Patna Bench has endorsed same principle to provide stepping up to senior due to MACPS anomalies. The Department in those judgement has decided to implement them but by restricting it to the cadre of directly recruited lower Division clerk of Postal Accounts organization and ignoring the claims of various other similarly placed seniors directly recruited in MTS , Sorter , and Junior Accountant cadre.
Similar recommendation of stepping up has been made by 7th CPC also in its para 10.40.82 in respect of Railway Accounts for MACPS anomalies . In this connection it is to be remind that 6th CPC has strongly recommended that the benefit given in one organized account cadre may be extended to all organized account cadre uniformly. The Postal Account Organization is expecting that this recommendation of Railway Account will be squarely implemented in this organizations also. Therefore, the BPEF demands for the same.
Also, the BPEF strongly demand that the stepping up of pay of senior for MACPS anomalies with Junior to all seniors drawing lesser pay than junior in entire Department of Posts may be made. It is to remind that MACPS scheme is common to all and is not restricted to any cadre.
(3) In a peculiar judgement of Jodhpur CAT as well as High Court that the Postal organization is not having seniority cum fitness quota for promotion from MTS to Postman or Postman to Postal Assistant. The recruitment in these cadre are done partially by LDCE and partially by direct recruitment. The court decided that these recruitment under LDCE quota are equivalent to direct recruitment hence these LDCE promotions should not be counted while granting MACPS benefits .
In this regards BPEF strongly demands that the Jodhpur judgement may be accepted and implemented by the Department of posts in the way it has accepted up the stepping up judgement given by CAT Delhi & CAT Patna in Postal Accounts organization..
(4) Vide para 1..27 of 7th CPC, it has rightly pointed out that “ A number of grievances or so called anomalies have been placed before commission . Many have their roots not in the recommendation made by 6th CPC, but in the subsequently modification made by the Govt. and the resultant orders issued by it . “
In this connection it is to inform that Implementation of MACPS in Department of Post has suffered a lot as the scheme and was implemented dis-advantageously by way of administrative orders despite clear cut indications and illustration mentioned in para 28 & others of MACPS orders dated 19-5-2009 & DOP&T. . Even the charts prepared along with that order are being given no respect and MACPS benefits are allowed erroneously clarification No. I & 3 of order dated 18-10-2010 by PCC allows counting of regular service for 3rd MACPS not from date of eligibility of 2nd MACPS but from date of extension of actual benefits of 2nd MACPS i.e. 1-9-2008.
The counterpart of Postal organization i.e. Postal Account organization is not dispensing with date of eligibility for 1st, 2nd & 3rd MACPS i.e. 10 years from date of entry or date of 1st promotion which over is earlier as date of eligibility for 2nd MACPS. Similarly 10 years from 2nd MACPS eligibility date or date of second promotion whichever is earlier as date of eligibility for 3rd MACPS..
Therefore BPEF strongly demands that a committee as desired under para 1.27 of 7th CPC may be formed to correct MACPS anomalies by including internal finance wing of Department into it before going in the process of implementation of 7th CPC.
9. Many other cadres of Postal Department were restructured by 7th C.P.C. Therefore following cadres may also be restructured.
(i) Postal / Sorting Assistants Cadre- The induction in this cadre is through LDCE exam. from Postman & MTS cadre as well as through the direct recruitment from the Market and GDS employees . The educational qualification prescribed for exam is Inter Mediate plus computer efficiency. It has to perform various multifarious work and promotion of business activities, which do not matches with the emoluments paid to them and risk involve in handling of cash amounting to crores of Rupees. They have to fulfill business targets. The cadre of SA has been defined as super Technical cadre by 5th CPC and its pay scale was increased on this basis. It performs data entry work, multipurpose counter work , work in RMS sections in train under hazardous conditions . They have knowledge of worlds geographical position used for sorting of letters and Mails. They have perform duties in different climate of different places for more than 12 hours . They performs Accounts work, legal adviser of Divisional Heads and attend the court of law. The join Army postal services duties with full trailing of Army duties. .Therefore PA/ SA cadre may be upgraded to 2800 grade pay.
(ii) PO/RMS Accountant, System Administrator, Marketing Executive- The Department of Posts utilizes the employees of Postal Assistant cadre for these expert services without providing exact benefit. Several instances have come to notice that CPCs have recommended that different pay scales are necessary were ever functional justification and functional difference exist. For the purpose special pay or special allowance is not a solution. Therefore, the posting in these cadres may be treated as LSG Promotion with grade pay 4200 and separate posts in these cadres up to HSG-II and HSG-I level may be identified.
The demand of PO/RMS Accountant that Special pay/ Special Allowance to all may be merged in their basic pay may be considered there after replacement benefit may be provided.
(iii) Postmaster Cadre: They are inducted in Postmaster Grade-I from PA cadre after serving 5 years in it. Thereafter promotion to Postmaster Grade –II II Grade IV from these employees. It has been created to improve functioning P.O. s meet technology requirements, meet specialization in P.O. management. The All India Association Postmaster Cadre proposes that G.P. of P.M. Grade-I may be enhance to Rs. 4600 equivalent to Inspector of P.O. PM Grade –II & PM grade –III may be merged and placed in Grade pay of Rs. 4800/-. The G.P. of Senior Postmaster may be enhanced to G.P. 5400/-.
(iv) Postman & Mailguard Cadre: In the Department of Posts the casual labours, part time casual labour and GDS have the opportunity for Seniority cum fitness promotion in the regular cadre of Department of Posts but on other hand the regular Postman / Mailguard & Regular MTS have no opportunity for promotion to next cadre on seniority cum fines basis. Therefore these cadres may be provided Seniority cum fitness basis promotion in PA/SA and Postman / Mailguard cadre.
(v) Mail Motor Service: The Driver are highly skilled cadre and suitable G.P. may be provided to them. All Technical cadre of Machine Tyre Man , Up holster , Painter , Turner, Carpenter , Welder , Tim Smith , Electrician and Black smith may be made equivalent to C.P.W.D.
(vi) Postal Printing Press: Highly skilled Grade –I & II may be upgrade to GP. Of 2800 from 1-1-2006. Similarly Binder Grade-I may be upgraded to G.P. 2800.
(vii) JA/SA cadre in Postal Accounts: These cadres are divided into ratio of 20:80, i.e the 20% Jr. Accountants fulfill the 80% posts of Sr. Accountant These 80% Sr. Accountant have a very meager opportunity of 10% promotion of AAO cadre into AAO.
The structure defined above makes Junior Accountant cadre almost vacant because these 20% J.A. get promoted into 80% S.A. cadre very early. Similarly, there is large number stagnation in SA cadre as these 80% have very meager opportunity to get inducted into 10% AAO strength . We have gone through the various recommendations of 7th CPC for different Departments and it has been observed that the post bifurcated by such type of disadvantageous ratio with regards to promotion have been merged with upgraded pay scales. Therefore, the JA /SA cadre having no functional difference may be merged with grade pay of Rs. 4600/-.
It is to mention that the Jr. Accountant comes from Staff Selection Commission by the combined Graduate level Examination (CGLE) along with Inspectors of Post offices and Assistants of Central Secretariat service. The Examination is same but the Jr. Accountant are selected on the basis of written examination and placed in 2800 Grade pay were as the IPOs of Postal and Assistants of CSS have to qualify interview and are placed in G.P .of 4200 and 4600 respectively. (The 7th CPC has also over turned the grade pay of Inspector of Post offices and Assistants of CSS. It now recommended G.P. of 4600 to Inspectors and G.P. of 4200 to Assistants ).
Respected Prime Minister Shri Modi Ji has announced that no interview is necessary up to Gr. B. Non Gazetted post. (The 7th CPC has also over turned the grade pay of Inspector of Post offices and Assistants of CSS. It now recommended G.P. of 4600 to Inspectors and G.P. of 4200 to Assistants ).
The BPEF on account of all above discussions resolves to hold that the Assistants of CSS, Inspector of Post offices and Jr. Accountant of Postal Accounts and other organized Accounts Department may be placed at equal G.P. as they are inducted through similar examination taken by similar agency and now interview for appointment to these post have been stopped by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. It is also to remind that the Department of Posts has already utilized this announcement in forming new recruitment rules for GDS.
(viii) LDC in Postal Account Organization: The L.D.C. of Railway Accounts has changed the nomenclature as Accounts clerks with qualification High School and decided to recruit then from Railway Board recruited cell.
On this basis a restructuring committee was formed in PAOs and it was decided that the nomenclature will be made Accounts Assistant will qualification Inter Mediate and its function superior to be common L.D.C. Therefore, G.P. of 2400 MOF is still awaited. Therefore, the matter may referred to Govt. for increasing the G.P. of this Accounts Assistant to 2400. If the Deptt. agree this recruiting agency can also be change for said post. :
(ix) LDC in Civil wing of Department of Posts: A restructuring Committee has been formed in Civil Wing organization of Deptt. of Post to have cadre review and propose various changes in cadre and its pay scales.
(a) Works clerk Grade-II: - Since beginning the cadres of works Clerk grade-II of Civil Wing are not kept at at par with other postal employees. Now this employee is recruited from staff Selection Commission with Inter Mediate qualification and provided with grade pay of 1900 as common L.D.C. But this LDC has to perform Clerical work, Tendering work , E-tendering work and cashier work also for which computer knowledge is essential. .
In the Department PA/SA with Inter Mediate qualification and Computer knowledge are being recruited by Department its self and are placed in Grade pay of Rs. 2400/-
Therefore, the BPCWNGEU affiliated to BPEF demands that works clerk works clerk-II grade –II be renamed as Civil Assistant and placed in Grade pay of Rs. 2400/- If Department decides to recruit them from PA/ S.A. Exam. then we have no objection.
(b) Works Clerk Grade-I – It deals with tender finalization, agreement, Auditing of Bills , Court cases , arbitration cases , Budgetary control and expenditure management , E-procurement etc. Hence these works clerk grade-I may be renamed as Assistants with grade pay of Rs. 4200/-
(c) Head Clerk: It is supervisory post and every Dn. must have this supervisor cadre. Hence they may be renamed as Office Supdt. Grade-II with grade pay of Rs. 4600/-.
(d) Office Supdt. Grade –I : It is also a supervisory post existing in every Circle. Their grade pay may be made 4800/- .
(e) MTS (Technical) : Like Assistant Carpenter , Asstt plumber , Sewer Man , Asstt. Mason, Asstt. Wireman, Asstt. Lift operator have to be delinked from general unskilled MTS . These may be redesignated as MTS technical with qualification High School ITI with grade pay of Rs. 2000/- They are promoted in semi skilled cadre of Rs. 2400/- after 8 years of service in MTS technical. The semi skilled employees is promoted skilled cadre after 8 years in semi skilled cadre with grade pay of Rs. 2800/- This skilled employees promoted highly skilled cadre with grade pay 4200 after serving 8 years skilled cadre. .
The Foreman (Electrical / Civil) After 8 years of service in highly skilled may be created with grade pay of Rs. 4800/-.
10. House Rent Allowance :. The factor of 0.8 has been introduced illogically and without any justification. This factor should be removed & H.R.A. should be to restored on the basis of Metro and Non metro classification of cities only with percentage 40 & 30 respectively .
11. CGEIS Benefit : Many banks especially corporation Bank of India is providing Insurance cover on natural death over salary account to the tune of 10 to 20 Lacks . Therefore, it is not advisable to increase the Insurance Benefit heavily and also its premium.
If saving fund is the basis of this increase in CGEIS premium then all New entrant may be allowed for G.P.F. contributions.
12. Child Care leave: This leave for all two years may be granted with full salary. Its benefit should also be extended to Male employees.
13. Medical Advances : As the terms of Children Education Allowance and Traveling Allowance were made easier , the terms of Medical Advance may also be made easier and advances up to 1 lacs amount should be allowed to be sanctioned by the Head of the office instead present 10 thousand ceiling.
14. Leave Travel .concession :- should be allowed exactly on same terms as it is presently. It is to remined that the facilities was devised to boost up the tourism Industry and also to get relief to the employees and its family from getting tired due to routine work.
15. Bonus: Bonus in all forms may be continued as it is considered as deferred wage.
16. Income Tax issues: Present limit of income tax may be enhanced to 2.57 times . All allowances of Central Govt. employees may be kept out from preview of Income tax. The Pension amount should be exempted from tax .Death cum retirement gratuity should be exempted form income tax.
17. . Fitment benefit of to decide quantum of minimum pension: should be equal to minimum wage and fitment benefit of 2.57 may be increased to 3.
18. Allowances: All Allowances were devised as per requirement of existing Govt. policies and conditions of service in the Department. Therefore, any decision taken abruptly is certainly going to produce unrest. The BPEF quotes certain allowances that are certainly to be restored and instead its rate should also be enhanced and rationalized.
Assisting Cashier Allowance , Caretaking Allowance , Family planning Allowance , FMC, Funeral Allowance, Ghat Allowance , Handicapped Allowance, Head quarter Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance., ,Over times Allowance, Rent free Accommodation, Risk Allowance , Training stipend , Treasurer Allowance Washing allowance , Cash Handling Allowance ., Cycle Allowance etc.
19. Compassionate Appointment: Ceiling of 5% over DR vacancies imposed over Central Govt. employees at the time of compassionate appointment may be removed and it may be made 100%
20. Gramin Dak Sewak: BPEF demands that Negative recommendation of 7th C.P.C. to treat GDS a non Govt. employees to the extent that their salary may be separated from salary other regular employees being drawn from consolidated fund of India may be expunge out from recommendation of 7th C.P.C. as Department of Posts has already constituted a GDS committee to look into to all service condition and employment matters in entirety.
21. New Pension Scheme: It is to emphasis that Article 366 (17) defines Pension. On its basis AIR 1983 SC 130 held that Pension is not an exgratia payment but it is payment of past services rendered. Simirarly , Supreme Court reiterated that pension is not a bounty of state. It is earned by the employees for services rendered to fall back upon after retirement . It is attached to the office it cannot be arbitrarily denied.
In a judgement in U.O.I. & others (1990) 4 SSC 207) – It was never held that both the pension retiree and PF release form a homogeneous class and that any further classification among them would be voilative of Article -14.
The 7th CPC held that under the pension scheme, the Govt. obligation begins on his retirement and then continuous till the death of employees. In Para 10.1.64 the 7th CPC quotes there is clear evidence that Govt. has progressively moved towards liberalized regime for past pensioners. The 6th CPC has provided additional pension and 7th CPC has provided one Rank one pension.
Unfortunately no promise has been made by the 7th CPC. But vide para 10.3.3 it quotes that the commission notes that the NPS is the culmination of a series of social securities and pension related reforms initiatives in India . At present OASIS has concluded that instead of defined benefit scheme for pension , the defined contribution scheme should be introduced. In NPS 40% of accumulated wealth is invested for pension purpose and 60% is paid at the time of retirement. NPS is not covered in GPF. On the death of employee 80% wealth is utilized for purchase of annuity and 20% is paid to legal heir .
7th C.P.C. Vide para 10.3. clearly speaks that uncertainty over the NPS scheme should be removed. Therefore the BPEF suggest that
1. The quantum of pension should be made equivalent to old pension scheme and this decision may be notified along with 7th C.P.C. recommendations.
2. The amount of gratuity for NPS should be made equal to old pension.
3. Family pension & other benefit to the NPS employees should be declared along with 7th CPC recommendations.
With regards,
( S.K. Mishra )
Secretary General.
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