Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Performance Is The Main Constraint On Annual Increment In 7th CPC

Withholding Annual Increments of Non-performers after 20 Years

There is a widespread perception that increments as well as upward movement in the hierarchy happen as a matter of course. The perception is that grant of MACP, although subject to the employee attaining the laid down threshold of performance, is taken for granted. This Commission believes that employees who do not meet the laid down performance criterion should not be allowed to earn future annual increments.

‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ – 7th CPC enhancing the performance level for MACP and Regular Promotion

‘Good’ to ‘Very Good’ – 7th CPC enhancing the performance level for MACP and Regular Promotion

The 7th Pay Commission has recommended on the benchmark level for MACP and Regular Promotion in Central Government services.

The 7th Pay Commission feels that a significant change is required in promotion aspect. The benchmark for performance appraisal for MACP as well as for regular promotion.

7th Pay Commission report on IPs and ASPOs

Inspector in Indian Postal Service

The Commission, recommends that Inspector (Posts) who are presently in the GP 4200 should be upgraded to GP 4600. With this upgradation, Inspector (Posts) shall come to lie in an identical grade pay as that of their promotion post of Assistant Superintendent of Posts (ASPOs).

ASPOs in Indian Postal Service

Commission has felt that a higher grade would need to be extended to ASPOs. Accordingly, the Commissionrecommends that the promotional post of ASPOs be placed in the next higher GP 4800 and further, the post of Superintendent (Posts), which is presently in the GP 4800, be moved up to GP 5400 (PB-2).

Friday, December 11, 2015



1.    Re-compute  th minimu wag o th basi o th actua commodit price a on
1.7.2015 and factor the Dr. Aykroyd formula stipulated percentages for housing and socialobligations, children education etc. Revise the fitment formula  and pay levels on the basisof the so determined minimum wage;

We are not in agreement with the methodology adopted by the 7t CPC in computing the minimum WAGE. We give hereunder briefly the reasons thereof.

1.   The  retail    prices  of  the  commodities  quoted  b the  Labou bureau  is  irrational, imaginary and even absurd in respect of certain articles at certain places.  The Staff Sidehad objected to the adoption of those rates in its meeting with the Commissioon 9thJune, 2015.

2.   The adoption of 12 monthly average of the retail prices is contrary to Dr. Aykroyd formula.  Same is the case with the reduction effected by the Commission on housing and social obligation factors. The house rent allowance is not a full compensatioof the expenditure incurred by an employee for obtaining an accommodation Therefore, no reduction on that count in arriving at the minimum wage is permissible.  We may cite the minimum wage computation made by the 3r CPC in this regard,   The employees were in receipt of HRA even at that time.  But still the 3r CPC, and rightly so, adopted the 7.5% as the factor fohousing In  respect of the addition to be made for children education and social obligation as per the Supreme Court judgement, (25%) the Commissio has  reduced  the  percentag t 15 o the  speciou plea  that  the employees are separately given children education allowance.  The Children education allowance is not a full reimbursement of the expenses one has to incur.   After the liberalization of the Education Sector where private parties were  allowed to set upuniversities and colleges, the expenses for education had increased heavily .   No concession or allowance is granted to the employees for educating the children beyond the higher secondary levels.   The earlier Pay Commission has only tried to compensate a little in the increasing cost of education and that too at the primary level, since even the Governmental institutions had started charging abnormal tuition and other fees.

Proposal to increase the ceiling of Bonus – Minister replied in Parliament

Changes under Bonus Act

Shri Bandaru Dattatreya, the Minister of State (IC) for Ministry Labour and Employment in reply to a question in Lok Sabha today stated that there is a proposal to increase the eligibility limit and calculation ceiling under the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.

The minimum wage in the country may not be comparable to those of developed countries owing to differences in exchange rates, purchasing power parity of local currencies, etc. Also under the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, both Central and State Governments are appropriate Governments to fix, review and revise the minimum wages of the workers employed in the scheduled employment under their respective jurisdictions. As regards minimum wages in States, there is disparity due to variations in socio-economic and agro-climatic conditions, income, prices of essential commodities, paying capacity, productivity and local conditions. However, as per the available information, a statement showing the range of rates of minimum wages in all the States/Union Territories is enlisted here.

Bhuvan Indiapost Geo Tag App Operating Procedure

              Bhuvan IndiaPost App is a user-friendly mobile application which enables to collect and report for geo-tagged of Post Office information on various parameters such as type of post office, name, services offered, delivery status, PIN-code and address. This mobile app will provide a platform for controlled crowd sourcing to build spatial database on Bhuvan Geo-platform.

For direct download type URL: 

For visualisation and download option type URL: 

The Internet connectivity is not required during data collection process. The internet connection through GPRS or 3G or 4G or wi-fi is necessary only to upload the data collected on Bhuvan IndiaPost Server.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Suggestions by BPEF to improve 7th CPC Recommendations

                         (An All India Industrial Unit of BMS)
T-21, Atul Grove Road , New Delhi-110 001

  BPEF/ 7th CPC/examination / recommendation/2015                     Dated: 7-12-2015

                       The Secretary
                        Department of Posts
                        Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001

Sub: Process to examine the recommendations made in the report of the 7th C.P.C.-
         Meeting with Departmental J.C.M. on 8-12-2015 at 11-00 A.M. -Regarding.  

Respected Madam,
Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation has studied the report containing the recommendations of Seventh Central Pay Commission and observed that the spirit and promises made by Chairman Shri A.K. Mathur are not reflected in the recommendations.  Certain omissions and suspicion about the service conditions of serving employees are leading to the unrest and anguish among the Central Government employees in general and Postal employees in particular. The views of BPEF with regard to all above  are reproduced below for merit based and sympathetic consideration for genuine redressal of the grievances to boost up the morale and restore the confidence and stamina so that they can serve the Nation in a better way for achieving the goal of the fastest growing economy and youngest Nation of the world.

The 7th C.P.C. has made following promises before recommending the new pay structure and providing replacement benefits.

Para 1.31 of 7th C.P.C. -The Sole consideration with the commission was to ensure that employees do not suffer economic hardship so that they can deliver and render the best possible service to the country and make the governance vibrant and effective.

1.30    . The recent trend of hounding civil servants as criminals for the failure of bona fide decisions is not a happy one. This will discourage the bureaucracy to take bold decisions in fear of being hounded if such a decision misfires. Any misadventure should not be looked upon with suspicion unless it has definite criminal intent to benefit either himself or someone else. If this trend is not checked it will lead to disastrous consequences. 

1.29    As we have mentioned above, government service is not a contract. It is a status . The employees expect a fair treatment from the government . The states should play role model for the services. In this connection, it will be useful to quote the observations in the case of Bhupendra Nath Hazarika and another vs. State of Assam and others (reported in 2013 (2) Sec. 5(16) wherein the Apex Court has observed as follows.”……It should always be borne in mind that legitimate aspirations of the employees are not guillotined and a situation is not created where hope end in despair. Hope for everyone is gloriously precious and that a model employer should not convert it to be deceitful and treacherous by playing a game of chess with their seniority. A sense of calm sensibility and concerned sincerity should be reflected in every step. An atmosphere of trust has to prevail and when the employees are absolutely sure that their trust shall not be betrayed and they shall be treated with dignified fairness then only the concept of good governance can be concretized. We say no more.”